Dinner Church
6:30 PM18:30

Dinner Church

This year we will be gathering for our dinner church gatherings on Wednesday evenings during Lent. We will be singing holden evening prayer, enjoying a potluck supper, and discussing the Sermon on the Mount. Please join us, all are welcome.

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Dinner Church
6:30 PM18:30

Dinner Church

This year we will be gathering for our dinner church gatherings on Wednesday evenings during Lent. We will be singing holden evening prayer, enjoying a potluck supper, and discussing the Sermon on the Mount. Please join us, all are welcome.

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Animate Bible
7:00 PM19:00

Animate Bible

After a successful run with the Animate: Faith curriculum, we will be continuing on with our evening Bible study using the Animate: Bible curriculum. This is a curriculum designed to
reinvigorate and deepen understanding of the Bible. 

For our seventh, and last, study the topic will be: Grace: Love is the Bottom Line.

Please Join us, all are welcome.

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Animate Bible
7:00 PM19:00

Animate Bible

After a successful run with the Animate: Faith curriculum, we will be continuing on with our evening Bible study using the Animate: Bible curriculum. This is a curriculum designed to
reinvigorate and deepen understanding of the Bible. 

For our sixth study the topic will be: Interpretation: Scripture Reads Us

Please Join us, all are welcome.

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Animate Bible
7:00 PM19:00

Animate Bible

After a successful run with the Animate: Faith curriculum, we will be continuing on with our evening Bible study using the Animate: Bible curriculum. This is a curriculum designed to
reinvigorate and deepen understanding of the Bible. 

For our fifth study the topic will be: Genre: Rhythm of the Text

Please Join us, all are welcome.

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Animate: Bible
7:00 PM19:00

Animate: Bible

After a successful run with the Animate: Faith curriculum, we will be continuing on with our evening Bible study using the Animate: Bible curriculum. This is a curriculum designed to
reinvigorate and deepen understanding of the Bible. 

For our second study the topic will be: History: Parchment to Pixel

Please Join us, all are welcome.

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Animate Faith
7:00 PM19:00

Animate Faith

For our fourth animate gathering we will be discussing salvation and how we can live abundant life now and not just after death. With author Shane Hipps as our guide, we will explore how we will consider the fundamental questions surrounding this "strange, beautiful, mysterious thing called existence."

Please join us for coffee, tea, desert, conversation and fellowship.

All are welcome.

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Church Clean Up
10:00 AM10:00

Church Clean Up

Please join us for a church clean up day as we attend to some much needed maintenance work that needs to be done around the building, allowing our space to look even more beautiful.

After the clean up lunch will be served for all who participate.

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